Clark has Talent (Click for more pictures) Clark students and staff showed off their talents this past Friday. The performances were amazing!
Family Feedback Survey Please take a minute to complete this Family Feedback Survey. Thank you for taking the time!
Free resource for families. Please take a minute to watch. This is a great resource for families.
November School Family Assembley (Click for another pic) Student council members lead students in the pretzel breathing exercise and activity to commit.
Activity to Connect (click for more pics) During our Monday morning staff development time, our third grade team led staff in an activity to connect- a mummy wrapping contest. It was a lot of fun!!
Clark Mini Olympics (Click to see more photos) Clark students participated in our annual Mini Olympics on Friday. Our 5th grade students were assigned a group of younger students. They help their team learn facts about their countries and helped lead them throughout the Mini Olympics.
STAR Breathing Exercise A student council member leads student in our STAR (smile, take a deep breath, and relax) breathing exercise.
School Family Welcome Back Friday we gathered together for our school family assembly. The Clark staff put together a special tribute to show what our school family means to them. (click on headline for link to video).