Student Handbook » General Information

General Information

Weather and Recess
The length of recess periods will be adjusted for changes in weather. On days when the temperature and /or wind chill are so low as to pose health and safety problems (generally ten degrees or lower including wind chill factor), or when it is raining heavily, students will remain indoors. Duty teachers will supervise the students in their classrooms while they participate in quiet, indoor activities set up by their teachers. Students should dress appropriately for possible weather changes.
   ******Wear the "Big 5": Coat, Hat, Gloves, Snow Pants, Snow Boots******
Student Dress
Students are expected to play outside during recess. Parents are asked to dress their children appropriately for the often sudden and extreme Wyoming weather changes. Children's outerwear (coats, gloves/mittens, hats boots snowsuits/pants, etc.) should be labeled to aid in the return of lost items.

Neat, clean and appropriate is the guide to regular student dress. If a problem arises in this area, parents will be contacted. Spaghetti straps, exposed midriffs, and clothing with inappropriate sayings on them are not allowed. Shorts should be at least the length reached by the fingertips when arms are at the side.  Flip-flops should not be worn; supportive footwear must be worn on the playground and to PE class.

Personal Belongings
Clark Elementary does not take responsibility for children's personal items. Students should only bring items to school that are necessary as a part of the educational program. Parents are urged to label their child's coats, hats, gloves/mittens, boots, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.

Cell phones may be brought to school for after school use only.

Bus Students
The assigned bus driver will inform students who ride a regular bus route of behavior expectations. Parents are encouraged to discuss these expectations with their children.
Bus students are expected to take the responsibility to get on their bus as soon as the dismissal bell rings. If for some reason a student does miss the bus, he/she should report immediately to the office. Students who know in advance that they do not plan to ride the bus on a particular day should notify their driver.
If a student plans to ride the bus to the house of a friend, relative or child care giver, written permission is required before the child is allowed to board the bus.