Library Media Center » Technology Tidbits

Technology Tidbits


     It has been a busy and  exciting start to this new school year.  A new building, new equipment, new ways of doing things are all a part of it.  We have really enjoyed our new Media Center and Computer Lab.  If you have not seen them yet, stop by and visit.  See what your child is doing to become Information and Technology Literate.

Kindergarten-Second Grade
     These three grades are working on media skills this first quarter.  These students are working at different understanding levels to learn that a media center is an information place, what are the different information sources, where they are located, and how they are arranged on the shelves.  We go in-depth with Easy Street, which are the picture books with made-up
stories.  Fiction Street books are also explored.  These students will also start to look at Nonfiction Street where there are true information books.  The difference between True and Not True is discussed.  Students are also learning what are the different parts of a book and how each of these parts can help.  Of course, many books are shared as well.  Students are introduced to many different authors and illustrators and their books.

Third and Fifth Grades
     The upper grades are working on technology skills this quarter.  Students are improving their skills in Keyboarding.  They are also demonstrating their ability to use an Operating System and to maneuver in several different kinds of programs as well as using the Internet and
E-Mail.  These skills are practiced in the classroom this quarter.  
     Third Graders are also working on Accelerated Reader to improve reading skills.
     Fourth grade will not start meeting formally until second quarter.  They are still learning and working hard on technology, though.  They are using technology to keep track of what they are learning and to organize.

Book Checkout
     Checkout days for classes are the first day your student has media during the week.  Most students will check out on Monday or Tuesday.  All students have the opportunity to checkout individually during
the rest of the week.

Accelerated Reader
     One of the reading incentive programs that we
use at Clark is the Accelerated Reader.  Students read books and earn points by taking comprehension tests.  These books can also be used for your child’s reading minutes that are done each month.  This program is a fun way to improve reading skills.  Your help in encouraging your child to read will help him or her to become better readers and learners.

 Book Fair Is Coming . . .
     Book Fair is coming at the end of October.  We have the
Book Fair to help celebrate Children’s Book Week  (November 12-18, 2007). We would like to encourage you to schedule time to read together during the month of November.
     Students will be able to browse the Book Fair on October 26 and start buying on October 29.  Hours of operation during the regular school day are 8:00-4:00, but not 11:45-12:15.  The fair will also be open special times during Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Come see the wide selection of books for purchase.  You can even buy a book to be donated to your child’s classroom in their name. Look for Teacher Wish List book bags.
     Our Media Center does receive some of the purchase price which is used to buy new books and software.  You have been great to help us in the past.  Thank you!
Campbell’s Labels For Education
     We are continuing to collect the Campbell’s UPC’s.  You’ll find the UPC’s on the back of the label.  We no longer save the front panel.  These UPC’s
are used to buy books, software, and reading prizes.  See the following website to see what products have the Campbell’s UPC’s.  Send the UPC’s to our Media Center.

     The Wyoming State Library has some great ways to find information and good books.  Just go to the following website and see the many helpful sites for both children and adults.  Of particular interest is Information for Kids and Online Databases.  There is even a database called Homework Help.  I do have a list and explanation of all the databastes.  You will also need to Remote Access from home with your Public Library Card and PIN.  If you do not already have a PIN, you can get yours downtown at the Uinta County Public Library.  Then enjoy!